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Modeling Clinical Outcome of Children With Autistic Spectrum Disorders
James Coplan and Abbas F. Jawad
Pediatrics 2005 116: 117-122


Counseling Parents Regarding Prognosis in Autistic Spectrum Disorder
James Coplan
Pediatrics 2000 105: e


Quantifying Language Development From Birth to 3 Years Using the Early Language Milestone Scale
James Coplan and John R. Gleason
Pediatrics 1990 86: 963-971.


Unclear Speech: Recognition and Significance of Unintelligible Speech in Preschool Children
James Coplan and John R. Gleason
Pediatrics 1988 82: 447-452.


Deafness: Ever Heard of It? Delayed Recognition of Permanent Hearing Loss
James Coplan
Pediatrics 1987 79: 206-213.


Wrongful Life and Wrongful Birth: New Concepts for the Pediatrician
James Coplan
Pediatrics 1985 75: 65-72.


Validation of an Early Language Milestone Scale in a High-Risk Population
James Coplan, John R. Gleason, Rita Ryan, Michael G. Burke, and Margaret L. Williams
Pediatrics 1982 70: 677-683.


The High Functioning Autistic Experience: Birth to Preteen Years
Church C and Coplan J.
J. Pediatric Health Care; 9:22, 29, 1995


Coplan J, Souders MC, Mulberg AE, Belchic JK, Wray J, Jawad AF, Gallagher PR, Mitchell R, Gerdes M and Levy SE. II. Parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders are unable to distinguish secretin from placebo under double-blind conditions Archives of Diseases of Childhood. 88(8):737-9, 2003 Aug.


Coplan, J. Atypicality, intelligence, and age: a conceptual model of autistic spectrum disorders. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. Devel Med Child Neurol 2003; 45:712-716.


Coplan J and Jawad A. Modeling clinical outcome of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Pediatrics 116 (1): 117-122, July 2005




Coplan J. Disorders of Speech and Language. Pediatrics in Review;16:91-100, 1995.


Coplan, J. Voice, Speech and Language Disorders. In Burg FD, Ingelfinger R, Wald ER and Polin RA (eds.). Current Pediatric Therapy, 16th edition WB Saunders, Philadelphia , 1999, p 425-429.


Coplan, J. Voice, Speech and Language Disorders. In Burg FD, Ingelfinger R, Wald ER and Polin RA (eds.). Current Pediatric Therapy, 17th edition WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2002; 402-405


Coplan J and Trachtenberg S. Getting the diagnosis. In Batshaw ML (ed.) When your child has a disability, 2nd ed. Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes Pub Co, 2002.


Coplan, J. The Natural History of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. The Advocate, 41(1), 2006; 26-30.




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