November 23rd, 2015 by drcoplan

Dr. Coplan introduces his 3D model encompassing ASD, IQ, and Time (Age).
In the preceding posts, I have dealt with the first 5 items in my list of basic principles:
Atypicality exists in various degrees, from profound to minimal.
There is no clear boundary between atypical and “normal.” Rather, atypical traits are distributed throughout the entire population.
General Intelligence (IQ) is a separate property from atypicality.
Atypicality of any degree can co-exist with any level of general intelligence.
At any given age, the clinical picture is determined by the joint impact of the degree of atypicality and the level of general intelligence.
Now it’s time to take on the last two:
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Beyond Kanner and Asperger, Part 5: The Universe in 2 dimensions
November 16th, 2015 by drcoplan

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Beyond Kanner and Asperger, Part 5: The Universe in 2 dimensions
Dr. Coplan shows how to take the leap from a one-dimensional view of ASD, to a 2-dimensional universe that simultaneously incorporates degree of atypicality and level of intelligence.
Now is a good time to recap my basic assumptions, which form the foundation for my model of the developmental “solar system”:
Atypicality exists in various degrees, from profound to minimal.
There is no clear boundary between atypical and “normal.” Rather, atypical traits are distributed throughout the entire population.
General Intelligence (IQ) is a separate property from atypicality.
Atypicality of any degree can co-exist with any level of general intelligence.
At any given age, the clinical picture is determined by the joint impact of the degree of atypicality and the level of general intelligence.
Atypicality has a natural history of improvement over time, irrespective of treatment.
Long-term outcome is primarily determined by the joint impact of the degree of atypicality and level of general intelligence. The higher the IQ, the faster and more completely atypicality fades, as time passes.
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