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Making Sense of Autistic Spectrum Disorders

  Dr Coplan discusses his book…



This large (402 pages), hardback book is a treasure trove of information and advice for families raising individuals on the autism spectrum…….. I would recommend this book to all families who are entering the world of autism spectrum challenges and to their extended family and pediatricians as well.

Susan J. Moreno

     Click here for complete review

Dr. Coplan’s book has been reviewed and endorsed by the Autism Society of North Carolina Bookstore, the largest non-profit ASD-specific bookstore in the United States..
Dr. Coplan does an excellent job of discussing various interventions…I liked his discussion of behavior management and pharmacology. And I absolutely loved his words of warning about cures and quacks.

Linda Griffin,
Autism Society of NC, Parent Advocate Director

     Click here for complete review

“James Coplan, M.D., has written a wonderful book that very articulately describes the nature of autism and the myriad of interventions that exist today.”

Gayle E. Kligman,
Therapeutic Resources
Kidz Therapy Services, PLLC

     Click here for complete review

I highly recommend this book for clinicians and families alike… this book presents everything that I want all of my families with children on the spectrum to now— it is a book that I will refer to again and again.

Nicola Smith, MD
Center for Children with Special Needs
Tufts Floating Hospital for Children, Boston, MA

     Click here for complete review

This book is by far the most useful I’ve ever seen as a tool for understanding the history of autism spectrum disorders…provides insight into why a particular treatment might be appropriate for a particular child, and why different treatments might be appropriate for the same child at different times in his life.

Lisa Rudy
Moderator, / Autism

     Click here for complete review

     Click here for complete review




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