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Words of wisdom from a parent who’s been there…. and survived!

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As a developmental pediatrician, I’ve written my share of notes to Disney requesting Guest Assistance Cards for my patients. So, I especially enjoyed reading this post from the mom of a child with ASD, about their recent family vacation at Disneyworld: .
In addition to the sage advice offered by Quentin’s mom (I particularly like her suggestion to start early in the day, and be done by 3 – before the crowds, heat, and fatigue become overwhelming), here are a few more suggestions:
1. Divide and conquer: If you have 2 or more children, and at least 2 adults, sometimes it’s better to split up for a while, and regroup at an appointed time and place. Parents with 2 or more children – whether one of them is on the spectrum or not – face the dilemma of finding activities that appeal to all of their children regardless of age or developmental level. Sometimes, this is just not possible. It’s OK to split up for a while, and give each of your children a chance to enjoy things that are appropriate to their interests. Family harmony is nice, but doing everything in lock-step is no fun. Sometimes parents have a hard time with this suggestion; they feel that they “should” be able to do everything together. Give yourself permission to forget about what you think you “should” be doing. It’s OK. Really!
2. Bring sunglasses and ear buds / headphones: Great ways to prevent sensory overload, and boredom
3. Less is More: Don’t overdo it. Have fun doing as much as you can do, but don’t feel as if you have to do it all (you can’t). If your child with ASD is rigid about unmet expectations, be sure to see whatever you’ve promised him or her FIRST!

And remember: Have a good time!

Do you have a story to share about taking your child on a family vacation? I invite you share it with me here or visit my Facebook page and share your story.


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